Redundancy Support UK - helping individuals affected by redundancy in the UK
We understand Redundancy is a very stressful and emotional time so we have come up with a full support service to help you manage and move on from the process.
- We can help if you have specific issues relating to your redundancy and advise and connect you with lawyers and mediators if you have been unfairly dismissed.
- We can help you understand the root of your feelings and get you back to feeling like you again with a team of qualified mental health first aiders, coaches and resources
- We can further support you by helping you look ahead at your next career move, identify any possible new industries and then help get your CV updated so you have a better chance of success applying for jobs.
Links are provided to signpost you to the right services including; UK Government, ACAS, Citizens Advice, Trade Unions, funding and money saving, mental health support, career coaching, CV writing, jobs boards, top tips and more! All information provided is free to access but please note our experts may charge for specialist services. All advice is given in good faith, we have experience of employment law and HR but are not qualified solicitors.
Make sure you follow our Facebook page for live updates and competitions!
Redundancy can be defined in two ways:
- the state of being not or no longer needed or useful
- the state of being no longer in employment because there is no more work available
In reality the first definition is how we feel as individuals when we're told we're losing our job but in fact it's because your job role (not you personally) is no longer required by a company!
This website is created and run by volunteers and as such we have been very fortunate with sponsorship and donations!
Thank you to;