'Cuff Tupple weeks'


Are you having a tough time? Ian McClure, a Managing Director, shares his experience of mental ill health with us.


It is so important to talk to someone. You may not even be aware of the signs!


  • are you more tired than normal or not sleeping well?
  • are your actions a bit more clumsy?
  • do you always feel like your fighting to complete the next task?
  • are you more irritable than normal?
  • lost an interest in food or activities that normally bring you joy?
  • feel like you are a burden to those around you?
  • are you struggling to concentrate?
  • do you feel on the verge of tears or cry easily?


You are not alone, these feelings are ways of your body telling you to stop and evaluate.

Please do not suffer in silence. Speak to a friend, a professional, a trusted colleague or contact us to help find you the support you need.

Having dark thoughts and just want someone impartial to speak to? Call Samaritans -available  24/7 on 116123

If you need non-urgent information about mental health support and services that may be available to you, please call Mind on 0300 123 3393 or email info@mind.org.uk